Bylaws of Asia Theatre Education Centre

Article 1 Asia Theatre Education Centre (hereinafter referred to as the Centre for short) is abbreviated to be ATEC.

Article 2 The location of the headquarter of the Centre is Room 407 of Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Academy of Drama, 4# Hong Fu Middle Rd, Changping District., Beijing, China, 102209.

Article 3  The tenet and objective of the Centre are: establishing an efficient mechanism linking various theater educational institutes and promoting the mutual understanding and exchange among the nations and regions in Asia; in terms of art teaching and creation, as well as research activities, etc., rendering a research and communication platform for students, faculty and researchers concerning of the undertaking of theater education and study in Asia and further facilitating the sustainable growth of the great cause.

Article 4 The Centre, being a regional academic organization in Asia, carries on the following researches on art education and exchange activities in line with the tenet and objectives of the Centre:

1. Holding international academic seminars, demonstration lessons, stage creation and various exhibitions, etc.;

2. Launching relevant surveys and studies on theater education in the region;

3. Compiling special thesis papers on theater education and study;

4. Training, admission, enrollment, dispatching of students, faculty, researchers, etc.;

5. Carrying on necessary exchanges for sake of the tenet and target of the Centre.

Article 5 The members of the Centre shall be of the qualifications below:

1. Legal members: a theater education research institute supporting the tenet and objective of the Centre;

2. Sponsor members: a group assisting the business activities of the Centre;

3. Honorary members: having made contribution to the Centre and approved by the standing committee upon the recommendation of the Board.

Article 6 Each member school shall register 10 official members to the Centre at the beginning of each year. Besides of these 10 official members, persons appointed as ATEC directors or officials are also regarded as formal representatives.

Article 7 Faculty members, students or staffs from theater educational institutes, which have already been ATEC member schools or sponsor members, are entitled to participate in the activities of the Centre.

Article 8 Any theater educational institute or group intending to join in the Centre shall apply to the Director-General for the membership and shall be admitted upon the approval of the Board of Directors. As for honorary member, the person recommended shall do procedures accordingly. After having the confirmation, he or she will be admitted as an honorary member of the Centre.

Article 9   Membership Fee

1. The membership fee of the Centre shall be determined by the Board. (Please refer to the supplementary items for the membership fees);

2. No membership fees shall be paid by honorary member;

3. No refund shall be permitted upon payment.

Article 10 Members (including official members) shall be invalid under the following circumstances:

1. Quitting the Centre;

2. Withdrawing from the Centre;

3. Being ticked off from the registration booklet of official members.

Article 11 Withdrawal from the Centre shall be of explicit reasons and application for withdrawal shall be submitted to the Director-General.

Article 12 In case that any member meeting the following items the Director-General shall tick he/her off upon decision on the General Assembly.

1. Any conduct impairing the reputation of the Centre or violating the target of the Centre;

2. Any action breaching the duties of the member;

3. Failure of paying the membership fee for over one year.

Article 13 The following posts shall be available:

1. 1 Director-General

2. 3 Deputy Director-Generals

3. 3 to 5 Executive Directors

4. Director: one for a membership school

5. 1 Secretary-General for Directors’ Board

6. 1 Deputy Secretary-General for Directors’ Board

7. 1 Director for Executive Committee

8. 3 Deputy Directors for Executive Committee

9. 1 Director for Business Bureau

10. 1 Deputy Director for Business Bureau

11. Several heads for each department

12. Several associate heads for each department

13. Several staffs

14. 2 supervisors

Article 14   Regulations on the appointment and election of directors

1. Director-General shall be appointed on Executive Directors Meeting;

2. Deputy Director-Generals shall be appointed by the Director-General;

3. Executive Directors shall be appointed by the Director-General;

4. Directors shall be recommended by each member school and finalized on Executive Directors Meeting;

5. Secretary-General and Vice Secretary-General for Directors’ Board shall be appointed the by Director-General.

6. Director and Deputy Director for Executive Committee shall be appointed by Director-General;

7. Director and Deputy Director for Business Bureau shall be appointed by Director-General;

8. Other heads for each department shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and finalized on the Executive Directors Meeting;

9. Other staffs shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and finalized on the Executive Directors Meeting.

Article 15 Structure

1. The Director-General, acting as the representative of the Centre, shall take charge of the business of the Centre;

2. The Deputy Director-General shall assist the Director-General and act as his/her corresponding functions during the vacancy of the post;

3. The Executive Directors Meeting, which is present by the Director-General, the Deputy Director-Generals and the Executive Directors, is the highest decision-making body and has the rights to decide and implement business other than the General Assembly of the Centre;

4. The Directors Meeting, which is present by all Directors, has the rights to decide and implement business other than the General Assembly of the Centre;

5. The Director and Deputy Director for Executive Committee assist the Director-General as well as the Deputy Director-General. They shall deal with routine business and carry out the decisions made on the Directors Meeting and the General Assembly;

6. Director and Deputy Director for Business Bureau shall be in charge of all the business within the Centre so as to ensure the running of the Centre.

Article 16 All officials appointed on the Executive Directors Meeting could take other post except supervisors.

Article 17   The supervisors shall exercise the following functions:

1. Monitoring the financial status of the Centre;

2. Monitoring the business implementation of the Centre.

Article 18 The tenure of the members

1. The tenure of Director-General, Deputy Director-Generals and Executive Directors shall be five years, and that for other posts shall be 3 years. Succession of the post is permitted;

2. In case of vacancy or increase of members, the tenure of the newly-appointed shall be the remains of the former or the present;

3. Upon expiration of tenure, officials shall continue to exercise their functions prior to the successor assuming his/her position.

Article 19   Consultants

1. A number of consultants shall be set up in the Centre;

2. The consultant shall be recommended and decided on the Directors Meeting;

3. The consultant shall put forward suggestions if necessary and respond to consulting from the Director-General.

Article 20 Staff

1. Staff shall be employed in the Centre for handling business;

2. Staff shall be appointed or dismissed by the Director-General;

3. Staff of the Centre shall be of paid services.  

Article 21 Executive Directors Meeting and Directors Meeting

1. The Executive Directors Meeting and Directors Meeting shall be convened by Director-General;

2. Director-General shall be the chairman of the Executive Directors Meeting and Directors Meeting;

3. The Executive Directors Meeting and Directors Meeting shall be convened only when attendance exceed two thirds (2/3) of the directors present. As for those failing to attend, other members shall be entrusted to present and declare their stands.

4. Resolutions proposed on the Executive Directors Meeting and Directors shall be approved when the votes exceed two thirds (2/3) of the directors present. In case the equal number of agreement and veto, the decision shall be made by the Director-General. As for those failing to attend, other members shall be entrusted to present and declare their stands.

Article 22 The General Assembly shall be made up of the official members according to Item 1 of Article 5 and Article 6, whom are entitled to vote.

Article 23 General Assembly

1. Members of the General Assembly shall be called upon for annual meeting in May;

2. Temporary General Assembly shall be held by Director-General if the Executive Directors deems it as necessary;

3. The agenda, date and place of the General Assembly shall be notified in advance.

Article 24 Chairman of the General Assembly shall be chosen from the official members present.

Article 25 In addition to negotiating the issues stipulated in the Bylaws, the General Assembly shall discuss the following items:

1. Activity Report of the Centre as well as the final report of revenue and expenditure;

2. Activity Plan of the Centre as well as the budget plan;

3. Report on supervision;

4. Other important issues or issues need to be discussed.

Article 26

1. The General Assembly shall be convened only when attendance exceed one half of the official members. However, those showing attitudes toward the proposed written materials and those entrusting representatives shall be deemed as present;

2. The decision of the General Assembly shall be approved when the votes exceed one half of the official members present. In case the equal number of agreement and veto, the decision shall be made by the Director-General.

3. Minutes shall be made for all the meetings and preserved after it is signed by the chairman and two representatives.

Article 27 No amendment of this Bylaw could be made without the consent of exceeding three-quarters of the official registered members.

Article 28 The following documents and account books shall be preserved:

1. The Bylaw;

2. List of member schools (including official members), sponsor members and honorary members;

3. List and resume of leaders and affairs officers of the Centre;

4. Catalogue of assets;

5. General ledger;

6. Cash book and certificates;

7. Documents relevant to the issues of the board of directors and the general conference;

8. Journals of affairs;

9. Official documents;

10. Other necessary documents and account books.  

Article 29 Official member schools shall report to the Centre at the end of each year the annual international exchange activities.    


Article 30   Details involving the business, administration, expense, and etc. of the Centre as well as other issues failed to be elaborated here shall be covered in relevant regulation to be stipulated.


Additional Provision to ATEC Bylaws Article 9

                         Approved by ATEC Board on October 1, 2005 

Executed from October 18, 2005

1. With regard of the membership fee, it is prescribed as listed below

Membership Fee

(per year)


Official Members


Teachers, working staff and students from ATEC member schools could get involved in ATEC activities, however, only 10 delegates can be registered as  ATEC official members.

Sponsor Members


Any group who wants to make donations to ATEC

Honorary Members

Free of Charge

Any person or group ever making contributions to ATEC and recommended by ATEC General Conference

2. On some special occasions, Legal Member School could be exempted from paying the membership fee after applying and agreed with the ATEC Board and the Standing Committee.

3. Sponsor Member can make donations every year with a minimum amount of 20,000RMB, and it is unlimited. Logo or name of the Sponsor Member will be published on ATEC’s publications.

4. Membership fee should be transferred to the specific bank account every year before May 10.

5. Only RMB, U.S. dollars, Japanese yen and Korean won are acceptable.

6. The specific bank account is:




Account No.: 333756018723

7. According to ATEC Bylaws Article No. 8, the membership fee is nonrefundable.

8. Member schools shall pay the membership fee of 10,000 annually before May 10. When there is any reason making the payment delayed, please submit a written excuse and apply to postpone the payment.

9. Any member school that does not paid the dues within the fiscal year will be faced with situations as:

1) Degraded to associate member school and treated as other non-member schools;

2) When all the once owed dues is paid off, after a discussion within ATEC board of executive directors and directors, the once degraded member school can be upgraded back as a member school.

10. According to ATEC Bylaws Article No. 8 item 2, Honorary Members are exempted from paying the membership fee.

11. Fiscal year is from April 1st to March 31 next year.