The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, established by Government Ordinance in 1984, is a leading tertiary institution in performing arts in Asia. It provides professional and practice-based diploma, advanced diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The study encompasses Chinese Opera, Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music, and Theatre and Entertainment Arts. Its educational philosophy reflects the cultural diversity of Hong Kong with an emphasis on Chinese and Western traditions, and interdisciplinary learning.
Drama is at the very heart of human expression, its communication and identity. The School of Drama believes that its unique position in South East Asia offers an insight into this artform that will both inform and develop significant creativity and distinctive artists to engage with and feed the cultural community of Hong Kong, the Mainland and beyond. The School of Drama strives to be an incubator, catalyst and repository of the values and importance of the dramatic, and performative arts and expresses this in the nurturing of actors, directors, playwrights and teachers who will function as practitioner-artists making a tangible difference to their community and their chosen discipline.