ATEC 4th International Forum Kicked off at CAD


On the afternoon of May 18, 2009, the 4th ATEC International Forum was kicked off at the Experimental Theatre of the Central Academy of Drama, China (CAD). The event was co-held by ATEC and the Department of Physical Health and Arts Education of the Ministry of Education of PRC, and organized by CAD. The special guests delivered speeches and expressed their congratulations on the opening of the event, along with their wish that the communication among the experts and scholars would accelerate the development of Asian theatre education. The speakers include Ms. Wan Lijun with the Department of Physical Health and Arts Education of the Ministry of Education of PRC, Vice Director Wang Feng of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Culture of PRC, Vice President Wang Xiaoying of China Theatre Association, Mr. Dumitriu, Chairholder of UNESCO Chair-ITI, and ATEC Director-General Xu Xiang (also the president of CAD). After the opening ceremony, all the guests watched the “Demonstration on Acting and Directing Teaching” by CAD.          

The forum, themed as “Theatre Education: Today and Tomorrow”, was held from May 19 to 21. Attendees were from CAD, Nihon University College of Arts (Japan), Chung-Ang University (Korea), Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (Singapore), National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (China), the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (China), National School of Drama (India), National Institute of Dramatic Art (Australia), and Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts (Uzbekistan). During the 3 days, students from India, Mongolia and Korea presented three wonderful plays, namely The Three Sisters, Last Summer in Chulimsk, and The Dream of Sancho.