'60 Minutes of Waiting for Godot' by TOHO, Japan

Director: Peter Goessner, Yuna Maeda

Playwright: Samuel Beckett

Institution: TOHO Gakuen College of Drama and Music, Japan

Venue: Chung - Ang University, Korea

Time: 19:30, May 18, 2018

Event: 5th Asian Theatre Schools Festival


Running Time: 60 minutes

We will perform for about 60 minutes of the famous Beckett play, "Waiting for Godot" which was published in 1952.The two main characters, Wladimir and Estragon are waiting for a guy named "Godot," who they both don't know exactly when he will appear. Instead, a guy named Pozzo shows up with his slave Lucky. Pozzo leads Lucky with a dog collar and treats him like an animal.

The main characters struggle between a joyful life and suicidal impulse. They need Godot to arrive. For the interpretation of"Waiting for Godot," it is possible to think of Godot as a God to Wladimir and Estragon.


While creating this play, we got some ideas from "Sapiens"and "Homo Deus," written by Yuval Harari. This book is about the history of humankind and the artificial life of the future. In modern times, we live individual lives, we only believe in the trueness of our own heart, the true feelings in ourselves, but it seems this will change in our future. People can use google glasses, or can even input microchips under their skin. In the future, it could be possible for algorithm clouds to tell us the right things to do by transplanting microchips into our bodies. However, Yuval Harari fears that it will cost a lot of money to implant microchips into the human body.

Lucky, Wladimir and Estragon could be examples of people who cannot take part in this future journey to become a "Homo Deus", However, "Waiting for Godot"seems,after so much different interpretations around the world, to be an interlayer for this situation of our times.